MezzoEnergy proposes to recycle bio-waste at the point of production, either into compost or into energy (electricity and heat) and a liquid or solid fertiliser.
Our solution
With our urban micro-biomethanisation units, we treat between 500 Kg and 5,000 Kg of organic waste per day. We produce energy (electricity and heat) and liquid or solid fertiliser on site. Our facilities are in 20-foot containers and take up between 90 and 300 m² of floor space, depending on treatment capacity. For example, with a 5T/day facility processing organic waste from kitchens, we produce 640 MWH/year of electricity and 1,080 GWH/year of heat. The amount of energy produced depends on the type of organic waste.
What are you solving ?
Treatment of organic waste, production of renewable energy, reduction of CO2 emissions