Six years after the historic COP21 took place in Paris, the 197 parties from the UNFCCC will gather again in Glasgow under the presidency of Alok Sharma, the UK Secretary of State for Business, to discuss a global climate strategy. With a 1-year delay due to the pandemic, this COP holds many expectations after the IPCC released its last report, urging immediate climate action. Despite the efforts, engaged countries have failed to limit global warming to 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level, and we must reverse this tendency to avoid dramatic worldwide consequences. Nations must review the progress since 2015 as agreed upon and set a new plan with more ambitious objectives to tackle climate change. International cooperation is essential to reach global carbon neutrality, and transparency is the key to success.
During the COP21, countries fixed NDCs targets (Nationally Determined Contributions) for limiting global warming to 1.5°C, then agreed on review and update these targets every five years. The time to bring up to date the national commitments has come, and the challenges are high. Countries will have to work hard collectively throughout the 12 days of discussion at the COP26. UNFCCC members must increase their initiatives, mobilise finance, and finalise the Paris Rulebook to turn ambition into actions, paying particular attention to the rules for implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement relating to emissions trading systems.
The member states shall go further to secure their international aim to net-zero by the midcentury.
→ Countries are required to set new ambitious NDCs for 2030 to halve global emissions before the end of the decade, expanding the collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society.
→ Developed countries and financial institutions must deliver on their initial promise of raising 100 billion per year to fund the shift towards renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. Cutting off fossil fuels and finding sustainable alternatives to our current production and consumption modelsis crucial to succeeding.
→ The consequences of climate change, such as the multiplication of extreme events like floods, heatwaves, bushfires, tornados, or hurricanes, are inevitable. By working to meet the climate targets, we could slow down their frequency and intensity.
→ Set adequate mitigation measures to protect communities and natural habitats on a local scale is a must. Preserving our forests will help us remove carbon from the atmosphere as they are our best allies in this race to global carbon neutrality.
The good news is that most countries are taking their commitment seriously. About 70% of the world’s economy supports decarbonisation, and over 80 countries have already updated their NDCs. G7 members that account for a quarter of total CO2 emissions announced new targets that indicate a more mature carbon strategy, putting them on the right path.
Science has spoken, and it is time for governments and policymakers to take immediate action to limit the impact of climate change. Negotiations will not be easy, yet the world is watching. Under pressure, leaders and politicians seem to understand that there is no escape from the global threat of climate change. With refreshed NDCs and a finalised Paris Rulebook, we can beat the odds and make massive progress before the end of the decade.
The fight to limit climate change’s consequences concerns each one of us, so everyone must get involved. As the primary emitters of GHGs, enterprises play an essential role in this matter. At Tapio, we support companies in decarbonisation, connecting the whole value chain through carbon reporting to take part in their climate journey. Our Carbon Strategy Platform provides a toolbox to easily account, manage and outline their carbon footprint, helping them act upon their impact. Sustainability opens the path to new economic opportunities. Establishing a partnership with Tapio gives companies higher reliability and resilience, as transparency is becoming the new standard in this shifting economy.
- COP26 Goals – Glasgow, UK : https://ukcop26.org/
- COP26 Explained – Glasgow, UK : https://ukcop26.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/COP26-Explained.pdf
- ONU France Delegation – Article: “From COP25 to COP26” : https://onu.delegfrance.org/From-COP25-to-COP26